Cannabis Voices
Cannabis Voices
Sharon McEvoy - how CBD oil transformed my autistic son's life
This interview with Sharon McEvoy for my upcoming book 'The CBD Book: The Essential Guide to CBD Oil' is one of the reasons I started Cannabis Voices.
It wasn't until I spoke to Sharon about her son Niall and heard how he went from extreme anxiety and self-injurious behaviour to the healthy, cheeky, chatty little boy he is today after taking CBD oil, that I really felt the book come alive.
But merely including Niall's story in the book still didn't seem enough. I felt somehow that Sharon needed a platform for her story to be heard in her own words.
And boy, does she have a story to tell.
"“We started giving Niall CBD oil in July 2016’” says Sharon, ”and by August, we had a different child in front of us. "First of all, the self injurious behaviour and headbanging stopped. Then the hyperactivity stopped and the child could sit for five minutes. You could see his system calming down. We saw all of these senses that were in total overload come down to a normal rate.”
Like many parents in similar situations, Sharon has had to become an expert in how to manage Niall's autism - and has dedicated many hours educating parents about CBD oil through the Facebook Community 'CBDs of Autism' which has thousands of members worldwide.
This podcast is a must for parents who are considering giving CBD oil to their child with autism as Sharon gives some great, practical advice on how to make those first often scary steps.
“I’ve been very wary of putting Niall out there as this posterboy for CBD and autism because it doesn’t work for everyone," says Sharon. "It’s been a very long journey to get where we are and we’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way. You’re not going to cure their autism. But what you’re looking at is to stop ‘existing’ within the four walls of your home and start living a life.”
CBD's of Autism (private Group)
Cannabidiol Based Medical Cannabis in Children with Autism- a Retrospective Feasibility Study (Adi Aran)
Lower circulating endocannabinoid levels in children with autism spectrum disorder (Adi Aran)