Cannabis Voices

Phil Monk - a sovereign human right to cannabis

Phil Monk Episode 42

Today's episode features Phil Monk, founder of We The Undersigned, a community group  a "united in the shared belief in the most ancient, traditional and fundamental human right to be free to sow the seeds of the highly nutritious herb of the cannabis family, to care for and nurture, then harvest, prepare, medicate, enjoy and share, free from the fear of persecution, prosecution or prison for this fundamental health choice to manage our health, well-being and happiness with natural herbal cannabis."

Ex teacher Phil has a host of chronic health conditions including chronic myofascial pain and depression, but finds cannabis not only gives him quality of life, but also a deeper connection with the divine as well as unlocking a level of creativity he never knew he had.

We The Undersigned Website
The Legal Fund
Phil's book: 'The Fight for Rights and Freedom of Choice'  

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